Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I love... love. Lots of love.

I love Jesus... And I pray that I will love Him more with every breath I take.

I love stars... because they remind me how small I am, and how big God is.

I love this beautiful post by Lauren here... and you should definitely go read it!

I love babies... even when they are crying, and especially when they are smiling.

I love my family ♥

I love big, old books... whole libraries of big, old books!

I love good movies... particularly when they make me laugh and cry!


Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Ah, I love everything about this list! Stars, babies, movies that make you laugh and cry...and thank you for mentioning my post :) So sweet of you! And about Facebook; I am on there! I actually left another comment on that post with my Facebook link; I'm on my phone now or I'd repost the link here ;) but you should come find me! Being on Facebook and Pinterest with fellow bloggers is just the snazziest thing ;)
~Lauren :)